
Monday, August 17, 2009

Debt Get Out Of - Are You Financially Dyslexic?

To be honest, I started writing this article around a keyword that I wanted to capture attention for, which is "debt get out of".

Dyslexia is defined as "A learning disorder marked by impairment of the ability to recognize and comprehend written words". Financially, are you able to recognize and comprehend the financial signals around you? Those signals might look like constantly being cash poor, having zero consistent monthly savings plan, or carrying a serious amount of debt.

I started thinking about why anyone would search for this phrase, and then realized that many people are financially dyslexic. While they are functional in society, they rely on help to make their way in the world... specifically, credit cards.

The reason most people accrue a debt to get out of is simply having more month than paycheck. The bills stack up, and charging it is so convenient. Most of the time the debt is under control for many years until one day, they realize they're carrying some substantial balances. As the balances increase, one's margin of error decreases, until inevitably, life happens and the system breaks down. This might be car trouble, divorce, medical events... soon you find yourself in the "debt get out of" category.

There are 6 major ways to debt get out of, or get out of debt for the non-dyslexic:

* Bankruptcy. It's severe, expensive, and damages credit and reputations forever. That said, it's a great option for people who have no other hope and little or no income. Below are some bankruptcy alternatives.

* Consumer Credit Counseling. Credit Counseling was a program invented by the credit card companies to help people become profitable cash streams to the credit card company again. In it, the debtor repays all the balances plus interest. Because of this, it's no suprise it's the first option the credit card companies will push when someone gets into the debt get out of situation.

* Debt Consolidation. This was a great option used by millions of consumers during the real estate boom of 2001-2006, but these days, debt consolidation loans are difficult to qualify for. Unsecured debt consolidation loans are even more difficult, and due to re-amortization of debt, often don't help much for all but the most diligent consumers with a healthy debt-to-income ratio.

* Debt Snowballing. The basic concept here is to make minimum payments for all but your highest-interest-rate credit card. Pay the most you can toward your highest-rate card. Next as each card is paid off, continue the total debt payments, so that each card is paid off faster. For example, if your payments were $20, $20, $20, and the highest-rate card you paid $140 (so $200 total) then after the highest-rate card is paid off, you'd pay $20, $20, and $160 (still $200 total).

* The Ostrich in the Sand Technique. The way this works is you pretend the problem of "debt get out of" will go away on its own. This is a great choice for future lottery ticket winners, or those expecting a sizable inheritance in the not-too-distant future. What's surely an anomoly of economic science and downright strange is that most consumers choose this route, even though it almost never works. Sadly, most people in this situation don't realize that staying in debt is preventing them from saving for retirement, which means they can expect to continue working into their late 90's, or being a financial burden on their families.

* Debt Reset. The way this works is we have a team of trained, expert attorneys and non-attorney negotiators who will negotiate with your creditors on your behalf, creating a payment plan leading to a single settlement payment typically about forty-five cents on the dollar. Most cases who use this method are completely done with the "Debt Get Out Of" problem in just over two years (the official average is 28 months).

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